Farming STEMX
A service for passive income that makes your money work on you. Get rewards by storing tokens in liquidity pool.
STEMX Traded on:
Liquidity pool is the volume of assets that serves to ensure the stable token exchange rate
It also guarantees a quick sale or purchase of token in significant volume. Liquidity regulation occurs through an automatic market maker (AMM). All participants can deposit their tokens into the liquidity pool, and get rewards for using their assets.
How it works
Buy coins
Tokens STEMX can be bought on the exchange pancakeswap or whitebit. Coins BUSD can be bought at any crypto exchange or other exchanges.
Deposit coins in STEMX.FI
Sign up and make a deposit in your personal account.
Get income
Keep your coins on deposit and get a daily profit from your assets.
Available directions
Volume up to 30 000 000
Annual yield from 2.51 to 7.61%
Send tokens STEMX to liquidity pool and receive income in the form of a fixed percentage from your deposit. Accruals to your balance will occur every day.
Volume of liquidity pool: 26 503 176 STEMX
Volume up to 500 000
Annual yield from 9.69% to 15.19%
Send BUSD to liquidity pool and receive income in the form of a fixed percentage from your deposit. Accruals to your balance will occur every day.
Volume of liquidity pool: 16 409 BUSD
Do you have any questions? Contact us
stemx.fi, stemx.me, stemx.pro, coin.stemx.proOwned and operated by STEM CORPORATION LTD, registration number 14903186;
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